
Learn about the causes of gingivitis

Gingivitis is a fairly common type of gum disease that causes inflammation, redness, and swelling in the area of the mouth at the base of your teeth known as gingiva. Gingivitis is a fairly common condition that should always be treated carefully and thoroughly since it may cause major gum issues and even tooth loss if left untreated. This condition produces swelling and puffing of the gums, as well as dark red gums, poor breath, and painful gums. Let’s have a look at some of the causes of gingivitis.

  • Plaque

Uncommented bacteria develop a thick layer in the shape of black. Regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing may help you get rid of plaque and so minimize your chances of gum infection, bad breath, and gingivitis. Millions of individuals across the world battle with a similar issue, but it is easily addressed with a little bit of work and basic dental health care. Dental examinations every six months will help you avoid dental issues and lower your risk of illnesses like gingivitis.

  • Cigarette smoking and hormonal changes

Because smoking interferes with the regular functioning of the mouth, persons who smoke heavily are at risk of developing oral infections and gum disease. When a woman is pregnant or has a menstrual cycle, her hormones experience a lot of fluctuation, which causes gum problems to be fairly prevalent. Expecting a baby does not directly link you to gum problems, but it does raise your chance of having gum problems, so you must take good care of your dental health at that time. Any puffiness or redness of the gums may be cause for worry, and you should consult with your dentist about it.

  • Consult your doctor

If you are taking medication for a condition that you already have, some side effects of such medications might induce gum disease such as gingivitis. You might be shocked to learn that many medications reduce saliva production and circulation, which can lead to swelling, redness, and other signs of gingivitis. Your mouth is dry due to the lack of saliva production and circulation, which allows germs to proliferate. In this instance, you should visit your doctor and take any suggested medications.

  • Deficiencies in nutrition

Gum health is a very significant and necessary aspect of any human, and it’s fairly usual these days to miss out on essential nutrients that keep the body running smoothly. It is very normal to be deficient in daily important vitamins such as vitamins C and E. Because these vitamins are typically not present in our diets, taking supplements is vital. A lack of vitamin C may be extremely detrimental to your gums, and a diet heavy in sugar and carbohydrates but low in the water and vitamin C is the root cause of gum disease.

  • Crooked teeth and ancestry

It is extremely usual for many people to notice that the tooth arrangements are not right and properly defined. People often have crooked teeth, overlapping teeth, or even rotating teeth, which causes bleeding and infection. Such misalignments create gaps for plaque and buildup, which encourages bacterial development. Brushing and flossing your teeth with particular care is recommended for such persons. People who have a family history of gum disease and gingivitis are at a higher risk of developing the condition and should visit the dentist frequently.


The causes of bad breath and gingivitis are not a rare disease, and there are many treatments available, and with advancements in Medical Sciences, easy and quick treatments are also available. If you are at risk of gum disease or have a family history of gum disease, you should not waste time and seek medical attention right away. Brushing, flossing, and washing your teeth at least twice a day is essential for maintaining excellent gum health and fresh breath.

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