Pregnancy Dental Care- Some Things to Keep in Mind
Many pregnant women’s diets, surroundings, and routines are carefully managed. On the other hand, pregnant women frequently disregard their oral health. The repercussions of this ignorance of dental health are significant. Pregnancy is a natural time to visit a dentist in Downtown Chicago. The mother and the unborn child are at risk for dental issues due to the hormonal shifts during pregnancy.
Pregnancy and Dental Work
As your unborn kid grows, so does the need to maintain good dental hygiene. You should remember to follow some basic dental hygiene guidelines during your pregnancy.
- See your dentist
Some expectant mothers avoid the dentist out of concern for their unborn child. Their child is in danger because of this awful judgment. Women are more prone to gum disease and cavities because of hormonal changes and other pregnancy-related side effects. As a result, you have a higher chance of miscarriage or premature delivery, and the baby may be exposed to infection.
- Be aware of gingivitis.
Keep an eye out for the early warning symptoms of gum disease even if you visit the dentist regularly. Gingivitis is more common during pregnancy because of increased blood flow and hormonal changes. Infectious bacteria from gum disease can spread to the rest of the body, putting the unborn child in danger.
- Floss
When you floss, you get to the areas between your teeth that your toothbrush bristles can not reach. Plaque and bacteria are stopped in their tracks in this way. Gum disease and tooth decay are both avoidable if you floss regularly. If possible, you should floss twice a day.
- Be consistent with your brushing routine
You might not feel like brushing your teeth if you get morning sickness. Still, it is critical to keep up with your twice-daily brushing routine. There is a higher risk of damage to your teeth during pregnancy. After your morning sickness has subsided, wash your teeth. Use a child’s toothbrush and flavorless toothpaste if you have trouble swallowing or finding regular toothpaste too strong.
- Use baking soda
Many pregnant women suffer from morning sickness throughout the first trimester. This is more unusual in the second trimester, although it does happen. Hormonal shifts have a significant role in triggering morning sickness, which can lead to persistent vomiting. When you throw up, stomach acid is released into your mouth and can erode your teeth. It is common knowledge that leaving vomit on teeth for too long can cause decay.
- Cut back on sugar
Sugar has a nasty habit of clinging to your teeth when you eat it. The sugar attracts microbes, which then devour it and produce acid. Just like this, this is how sugar rots your teeth.