Mother vs. Baby: Who Aches More When Cutting the Umbilical Cord?
The umbilical cord is a conduit between the developing embryo and the placenta — the only channel for the fetus to get nutrition from the mother. The mission of the umbilical cord ends after the baby is delivered, and the doctor will cut it off as soon as possible. Here comes the problem: who aches more when the umbilical cord is cut?
The umbilical cord is attached to the mother’s placenta. At the moment of delivery, the placenta will naturally peel off from the uterine wall. The placenta will naturally be delivered outside the body 15 to 30 minutes after the delivery. Afterward, the umbilical cord connecting the mother and the baby becomes an appendage.
Let’s look at the structure of the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is mainly composed of two arteries and one umbilical vein and the surrounding Wharton’s Jelly. Since no nerve fibers are distributed, there is no feeling when the umbilical cord is ligated. Hence, neither the mother nor the infant aches during the process of cutting the umbilical cord.
It is the cold stimulation with the rubbing alcohol when the umbilical cord end is disinfected that causes the baby to cry.
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